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Double Team Driving School Course
8 Hour Classroom Session - 6 Hours Behind The Wheel Driving
Behind The Wheel Instruction Scheduled After First Day Of Class
Enroll Right Here Online!
Do I Really Need Drivers Ed?A Drivers Education Course is only mandatory for teens who want to get their restricted license when they turn 15. There is no Drivers Ed requirement for any of the other licenses. However, most students take our course because we administer both the written and driving tests, allowing them to bypass testing at the State Drivers License Exam Station.
What's The Biggest Benefit Of Your Course?Most of our students like the fact that we administer both the written and driving tests, so they don't have to take them at the State Drivers License Exam Station. We consider the biggest benefit the high quality of instruction you get in our Classroom Session and Driving Instruction.
What Is The Classroom Session Like?It's not as bad a you might think! Class is very casual and informal, and although it lasts 8 hours, we have frequent breaks with plenty of opportunities to catch up on social media. Lunch is provided between the morning and afternoon session,
How Old Do I Need To Be To Take Your Drivers Edcuation Course?Students must be at least 14 years old when they attend the Classroom Session.
Do I Need To Get An Instruction Permit (Learner's Permit) Before Class?NO!
Chances are you want your teen to take Drivers Ed so they will be a safer driver. But here's a question for you. Have you ever stopped to think of what that really means? Take a minute and try to describe how would you define a "safe" teen driver. Harder than you thought? That's because Most parents say it's a teen who drives carefully, obeys the rules of the road, and behaves responsibly behind the wheel. Not bad, but it falls short. , and here's why. Now take that same question and put it in the context of your biggest fear. and the most common . Could it be getting "that phone call" that your teen has been involved in an accident? In essence, hurt, or worse? A noble answer, but it contend it falls short. Now put it in the context of your biggest fear. That's because "safe"
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